Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Make a New Year's Resolution to be a College Student who's Red Cross Ready

Getting prepared for a disaster is an important thing for everyone to do.
 As a college student venturing into the young adult world, being prepared for a disaster probably isn't on your mind. It's one of those things I'm sure you're used to your parents taking care of, but it's something you need to think about. Many students shy away from making a preparedness kit because they don't have the money or time to spend on it.
Here are some ways you can cheaply and easily start becoming prepared for a disaster. 
  • Be informed about what emergencies are likely to happen in your area
  • Get a kit, or make your own that includes at the least these basic items
    • A Flashlight with back up batteries
    • A basic First Aid Kit
    • Copies of your Important Documents(birth certificate, social security card, etc)
    • Extra Cash
  • Make a Disaster Plan with your housemates
    • Know where your emergency kit is
    • Know where the shut off to the electricity and gas is 
    • Choose a place to meet during in case you are separated

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