Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Salt Lake City Heroes Event is tomorrow! YAY! We are making last minute preparations and getting ready for tomorrows event. A BIG thank you to everyone who has made this wonderful event possible. Before you run off to get ready for tomorrows event check out the featured Hero Awardees for today . See you tomorrow!

Found this great quote today, thought I would share...

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- Mohandas Gandhi

Hiker Rescue in Bells Canyon – Jill Anderson, Suzanne Jansen, Jim Muller, Rod Huck,
and Brynn Mudliar witnessed a man fall over 40 feet while hiking in Bells Canyon in June 2010. Working together they hoisted the man on a boulder
and held him there while others got help. They stayed with him until life flight was able to fly him safely out of the canyon. They are the 2011 Wilderness Rescue Heroes.

Seconds Count in Tour Van Crash - The horrific
Japanese tour van crash outside of Cedar City made international news back in August 2010. At the forefront of that news coverage was IMC nurse Kristi Christensen who, despite being 8 ½ months pregnant, stopped on the side of the road and stabilized six of the victims until ambulances arrived. She is being recognized as the 2011 Medical Rescue Hero.

Comfort for Troops in IraqAmy Galvez lost her son, Adam, in Iraq about 2 years ago. But instead of being overcome by grief, she has dedicated herself to helping her son’s fellow troops overseas. Every month she organizes members of her community to send 65-70 care packages to different troops stationed throughout Iraq. She is being recognized as the 2011 Military Hero sponsored by Rocky Mountain Power.

Angels Among Us Diane Bates is the founder of Angels in Action (501 c3), which is a community service organization with the goal to inspire the community to be in service to each other and be Human Angels. In the past three years she has inspired thousands of volunteers to assist with refugees, homeless youth, Native Americans, Veterans, and an orphanage in Africa. She is being recognized as the 2011 Community Good Samaritan.

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