First Aid kits run $5 - $25. You can make your own 72-hour preparedness kits or buy them for $50-70. There are a wide variety of preparedness items available. The American Red Cross also encourages people to build their own kits if they want to keep the costs down and offers free tips on how to build a kit and what items should be in the kits. For the lists, visit and click on Be Prepared. You can also watch a free preparedness video on the website in English or Spanish that walks you through the process to get a kit, make a plan and be informed.
“First Aid and 72-Hour Kits are great gift ideas. It is something different and something families really need. Whether you make them or buy them from the Red Cross, we highly recommend preparedness gifts for the holidays!” Said Chapter CEO Maxine Margaritis, “Your local Chapter disaster relief teams are always here to help you when disaster strikes, but we also work to help your community be prepared, so that everyone is as safe as possible.”